Our Restaurant Blogs

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Once a Year Marketing Adds Up

Once a Year Marketing Adds Up

Filling out your restaurant marketing calendar can be tough, whether you’re trying to plan your social media content, lunch specials, or your events. A great way to handle one, or even all, of these problems is to embrace some yearly events! Anniversaries and...

Once a Year Marketing Adds Up

Filling out your restaurant marketing calendar can be tough, whether you’re trying to plan your social media content, lunch specials, or your events. A great way to handle one, or even all, of these problems is to embrace some yearly events! Anniversaries and...

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Role-Play Ideas for Restaurant Training

Role-Play Ideas for Restaurant Training

Your restaurant employees have a lot to remember and sometimes, no matter how well you train them, it seems they’re still lacking in confidence or knowledge retention. Role-playing, when utilized as part of a blended-learning strategy, can help fill these knowledge...

Role-Play Ideas for Restaurant Training

Your restaurant employees have a lot to remember and sometimes, no matter how well you train them, it seems they’re still lacking in confidence or knowledge retention. Role-playing, when utilized as part of a blended-learning strategy, can help fill these knowledge...

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Are You Sure It’s a Restaurant Training Problem?

Are You Sure It’s a Restaurant Training Problem?

“No one’s doing what they’re supposed to! I’ve got too many training problems!”Wait! Are you sure you have too many training problems in your restaurant? Maybe you just don’t have enough restaurant training programs. Or maybe the problems aren’t even connected to...

Upsell Beer with Waitstaff Sales Training

Upsell Beer with Waitstaff Sales Training

There's nothing like a cold beer to beat the heat of the summer season. In fact, beer is so popular this time of year, it almost sells itself! But despite the easy sale, the beer trade comes with a few costly negatives: kegs take up space, bottles must be stocked, all...

That Dollop Packs a Wallop

That Dollop Packs a Wallop

We all want to be known for our generous portions at a reasonable price. After all, the American public is value conscious. But unless the extra dollop of sour cream is figured into the retail price of the item, your waitstaff needs to refrain from the urge to pile it...

None for the Road

None for the Road

It happens more than you think: In the walk-in, behind the bar, in the restroom, in the parking lot, and even in the manager’s office. Unfortunately, nobody sees it, nobody talks about it, and nobody wants to believe it’s happening. A recent study by the National...

Plan Your Work and Work Your Plan

Plan Your Work and Work Your Plan

Restaurant management is like show-biz, and the key to a flawless production is in the details. Follow these steps to plan your work and work your plan. Make a Plan Before starting on the day’s work, create an action plan for your restaurant management tasks. Try to...

Why Do Restaurants Fail?

Why Do Restaurants Fail?

Why do restaurants fail? Despite the popular notion to the contrary, bad food or poor service alone never caused a restaurant to close. The bottom line is that restaurants fail because they couldn’t sell enough product to cover their costs. Your servers are your...

Use Mystery Applicants to Improve Restaurant Hiring

Use Mystery Applicants to Improve Restaurant Hiring

So you think you’ve got this hiring thing down. You’ve joined all the right groups. You’re recruiting in all the right places. You know how to ask the right questions. But still those less-than-suitable employees keep slipping through to muddle up your operation....

What Does Free Water Really Cost?

What Does Free Water Really Cost?

There’s no such thing as a “free” glass of water. In fact, according to industry reports, the typical glass of regular tap water can cost over a dollar per serving. How? The glass has to be ordered, inventoried, filled and washed for each guest -- up go labor costs....

Close-to-Open Restaurant Management

Close-to-Open Restaurant Management

It's happened to everyone in restaurant management. You arrive 10 minutes early, walk into the restaurant and immediately, without so much as lifting a pencil, find yourself already an hour or two behind because of the lousy close during the previous shift. What’s...

Waitstaff Sales Training – Windows of Opportunity

Waitstaff Sales Training – Windows of Opportunity

Knowing when to suggestively sell is just as important as the suggestion itself. Use your waitstaff sales training program to teach your staff about using these windows of opportunity to increase check averages.Greeting and Beverage Window: First and foremost, greet...

Restaurant Training with Teen Employees

Restaurant Training with Teen Employees

The restaurant industry has always attracted teen employees. In fact, about one in three American workers had their first job at a restaurant. And the truth is, we need young workers just as much as they need us. When hiring and training teen workers, you have a few...

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