Restaurant Leadership Tip: Get SMART

Restaurant Leadership Tip: Get SMART

Looking to better manage your tasks every day? This restaurant management tip from Service That Sells! helps you get SMART about time management. At any time during the day, you can encounter “pop-ups” ­– unexpected events that steer you away from your current course...

How to De-Stress Your Life in 2014

As a restaurant manager, you may think the restaurant business is anything but routine, that you spend your days putting out fires every 10 minutes. But along with all the unexpected events and challenges, there is a list of critical tasks that must take place like...

Beyond Halloween: Scare Up October Sales

Sure, Halloween can be a big deal to some, but there are plenty of October “holidays” to scare up additional sales. Here are some of the most fun October holidays and a few ideas to turn them into celebrations at your operation: California Wine Month (winds up the...

How to Get New Guests to Come Back

New guests are trying your restaurant all the time. Do you know who they are and, more importantly, do you know how to bring them back? Brush up on your service and sales training and make a commitment to get completely involved in meeting—and pleasing—new guests....