Secret to Restaurant Menu Pricing

Secret to Restaurant Menu Pricing

While many managers simply use the retail approach to pricing – take the cost of the item and divide it by your target food cost percentage to arrive at the selling price (i.e. ingredients costs of $2.50 / food cost target of 35 percent = menu price of $7.19), this...

Start the New Year off Right

With January right around the corner, the outlook can be cold and bleak… and for many, we’re not just talking about the weather. Don’t worry, you can change the forecast for your restaurant. Look at the typically slower months of January and February as...
Restaurant Management: Watch and Learn

Restaurant Management: Watch and Learn

Like anyone who watches Survivor can tell you, times of stress often reveal who we are as people and as a team. And while it may not be fair to chastise a team for performing under par when you’ve been slammed for six hours straight during a busy weekend, it is fair...