Service: Hit or Myth?

Service: Hit or Myth?

Have you ever stopped to think about what “service” really means? What is it? Can it be defined? (Forget Webster; as far as we know, he never worked flipping burgers, mixing drinks, selling clothes, listing real estate, or checking in hotel guests.) We define service...
Restaurant Training Game – Top This!

Restaurant Training Game – Top This!

Product knowledge training is an important part of your overall restaurant training program. It’s not enough for your employees to simply know their products. They also have to use that product knowledge to make sales. The Top This! contest can be used during a...
Learning Management Systems and You

Learning Management Systems and You

The dinner rush is about to start. Do you know where your knowledge is?As a manager, how your staff learns, retains, and implements knowledge is your responsibility. This goes far beyond what you may have traditionally considered “training.” From service and sales to...
Restaurant Management: Watch and Learn

Restaurant Management: Watch and Learn

Like anyone who watches Survivor can tell you, times of stress often reveal who we are as people and as a team. And while it may not be fair to chastise a team for performing under par when you’ve been slammed for six hours straight during a busy weekend, it is fair...
Restaurant Leadership Tip: Get SMART

Restaurant Leadership Tip: Get SMART

Looking to better manage your tasks every day? This restaurant management tip from Service That Sells! helps you get SMART about time management. At any time during the day, you can encounter “pop-ups” ­– unexpected events that steer you away from your current course...